In this case the hotter body is the refrigerant gas and the cooler body comprises the fins of the condenser. 这一情况中,较热物体是气态制冷剂,较冷物体包括冷凝器的那些散热片。
Ion type water cooler Combination application of evaporative condenser and screw refrigeration compressor 蒸发式冷凝器与螺杆式制冷压缩机的组合应用
Dry type air cooler natural convection air cooled condenser 干式空气冷却器干式冷风机自然对琳气式冷凝器
According to the theory of indirect evaporative cooler, heat can be taken away through water evaporation by wrapping water absorbent film on the cooling surface of air conditioner condenser. 应用间接蒸发散热的原理,在空调冷凝器表面包覆吸水膜,利用水蒸发带走热量。
Corrosion discussion of NO_x cooler condenser in nitric acid producing unit of hexanolactam installation 己内酰胺装置制硝酸工艺中NOx气体冷却冷凝器腐蚀探讨